
The Inaugural Events

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The inauguration of the president takes place every four years on January 20th (since 1934).  What’s going to happen?  Let’s break this down:

  1.  Members of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies will go to the White House that morning and escort the outgoing President, the President-elect, the outgoing Vice President, the Vice President-elect, and their spouses to the Capitol.
  2. At noon, the Vice President-elect will take the oath of office on the inaugural platform erected on the east front of the Capitol.  This will be followed by the swearing in of the President-elect.
  3. The new President will then give his or her inaugural address to the nation.
  4. Following the inaugural address, the former President and his or her spouse will leave the Capitol, weather permitting, by helicopter from the east front of the Capitol.
  5. The newly sworn-in President then will adjourn to the President’s Room in the US Capitol to sign his first acts as president – often nominations, executive orders, etc.
  6. The President and Vice President with their spouses will then be escorted to Statuary Hall (the original House Chamber) in the Capitol for the Inaugural Luncheon, attended by Senate leaders, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies and other invited guests.
  7. After the luncheon, the President and Vice President and spouses will go to the East Front steps of the Capitol where they will review the military troops.  They will then proceed to Pennsylvania Avenue at the foot of Capitol Hill to lead the Inaugural Parade to the White House.  Upon reaching the White House, they will review the parade as it passes by from the Presidential Reviewing Stand (heated!). 
  8. That evening, there will be a number of inaugural balls throughout the area, some formal and others informal.  The President and Vice President will attend probably several of these.

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